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- Strong interlocking lids.
- Strong containers with coloured lids for easy separation.
- Features easy-grip handles to assist with lifting.
- The storage box can be stacked or nested when not in use to save space.
- Impact resistant.
- Ideal for storage or distribution.
Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
Pack of 5 heavy-duty plastic tote boxes with hinged lids and a 64 litre capacity
- Strong interlocking lids.
- Strong containers with coloured lids for easy separation.
- Features easy-grip handles to assist with lifting.
- The storage box can be stacked or nested when not in use to save space.
- Impact resistant.
- Ideal for storage or distribution.
- Customer warranty : 2 years
- Max. load (kg) : 50
£133.80 Incl. VAT
pack of 5 units £22.30 per unit {0} (Incl. VAT)
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UK Mainland only. - Free returns
- Excellent customer service
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- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£111.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£111.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£111.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£111.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£116.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£116.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£116.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£116.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£116.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£121.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£121.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£121.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£121.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years
£121.50 excl. VAT
pack of 5 units
- Product Name
- Pack Of 5 Black Plastic 56-64L Storage Boxes - Coloured Lids - Totebox
- Packaging
- pack of 5 units
- Customer warranty
- 2 years