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- A choice of 4 fork lengths.
- Twin ball bearings ensure easy, lightweight steering for maximum mobility and control.
- Fully welded joints for increased strength and durability.
- Climber wheels for easy entry and exit from pallet.
- Stainless steel lowering valve.
- Fork wheels WxDia: 100x85mm.
- Turning radius: 180°.
- Pump force, nominal capacity: 30kg.
- 5 year guarantee.
- Vulkollan is an effective hard rubber.
- These products have been environmentally declared and are certified to ISO 14020, type II.
- Lifetime warranty (99 years) on fork frame. Spares available.
Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
Premium range Pallet Truck. Lightweight steering for maximum mobility and control.
- A choice of 4 fork lengths.
- Twin ball bearings ensure easy, lightweight steering for maximum mobility and control.
- Fully welded joints for increased strength and durability.
- Climber wheels for easy entry and exit from pallet.
- Stainless steel lowering valve.
- Fork wheels WxDia: 100x85mm.
- Turning radius: 180°.
- Pump force, nominal capacity: 30kg.
- 5 year guarantee.
- Vulkollan is an effective hard rubber.
- These products have been environmentally declared and are certified to ISO 14020, type II.
- Lifetime warranty (99 years) on fork frame. Spares available.
- Customer warranty : 5 years
- Load capacity (kg) : 2300
See all 11 options
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This product is currently not available.
- Secure payment by Ogone
- Free Delivery on all orders!
UK Mainland only. - Free returns
- Excellent customer service
Choose from the 11 models of this family
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Distance between forks (mm):
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Nylon
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 138 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£1,139.00 -29%
£809.00 excl. VAT
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Nylon
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 138 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£1,195.00 -27%
£870.00 excl. VAT
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Nylon
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 208 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£865.00 -28%
£625.00 excl. VAT
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Nylon
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 373 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£870.00 -28%
£625.00 excl. VAT
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Nylon
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 208 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£765.00 -26%
£569.00 excl. VAT
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Nylon
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 208 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£789.00 -28%
£565.00 excl. VAT
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Vulkollan
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 208 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£870.00 -28%
£625.00 excl. VAT
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Vulkollan
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 208 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£885.00 -28%
£635.00 excl. VAT
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Nylon
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 373 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£775.00 -27%
£565.00 excl. VAT
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Nylon
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 208 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£759.00 -26%
£565.00 excl. VAT
- Type of fork wheel
- Fork wheel material
- Nylon
- Distance between forks (mm)
- 373 mm
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years
£755.00 -25%
£565.00 excl. VAT
- Product Name
- Hand Pallet Trucks - 2300kg Capacity - BT
- Load capacity (kg)
- 2300 kg
- Min. lift height (mm)
- 85 mm
- Max. lift height (mm)
- 200 mm
- Customer warranty
- 5 years